Make the Most of Your
Trial Membership

Set yourself up for success with our 1 Month Unlimited Trial Membership. Take as Many Classes as you like.

1 Month of Unlimited Classes - $59

If you are brand new to yoga, here is what we recommend:

New to Yoga? We recommend starting out with our Gentle and/or Slow Flow classes. There classes move at a slower pace, focusing on alignment and learning the name of postures. If you are looking for classes that are more relaxing and meditative in nature, sign up for our restorative or deep stretch classes.

Have some experience with yoga? We recommend trying our Flow or Power Yoga classes. These classes move at a faster pace and will provide you with the opportunity to play around with more challenging postures.

Want to Sweat?

Crank up the intensity and try the Barre Strength and/or Total Body Conditioning classes! These classes are designed to make you sweat, increase your heart rate and get you moving. Barre Strength combines yoga, Pilates and Dance movements with this high intensity, low impact class. Total Body Conditioning (TBC) is a class that is half strength based moves, half high intensity cardio movements. Tennis shoes are highly recommended for the TBC.

Please note: The New Student special only applies to classes on the schedule. Events, workshops and series are not included in this special and can be purchased separately.